WEEE Recycling Regulations

Ecogreen IT Recycling specialises in eco-friendly WEEE recycling following the regulations set by the Environmental Agency for a cleaner and greener environment.

What are WEEE Regulations?

The UK government sets annual recycling targets and to ensure the completion by all companies, the WEEE regulations were introduced. In January 2007, the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive was introduced into UK law by the WEEE Regulations 2006.  

This, in turn, reduces the total electrical waste being produced. This law allows WEEE recyclers to help prolong the life of electrical equipment instead of simply throwing it away and causing harm to the environment.  

Ecogreen IT Recycling offers secure disposal and recycling of your electronic equipment as per the WEEE directive. 

Electricals Under WEEE Regulations

Here is the list of equipment that falls under the WEEE recycling and disposal umbrella:

  1. Large household appliances such as fridges, ovens, TVs
  2. Electronic medical equipment
  3. Small domestic electronic items such as laptops, kettles, speakers, monitors
  4. Electronic heavy-duty tools
  5. Sports equipment and toys
  6. IT and telecommunication equipment
  7. Lights and bulbs
  8. Monitored and remote equipment
  9. Mobile phones and smart watches
  10. Automatic food and drink dispensers

Secure WEEE Recycling Services

WEEE is the fastest-growing waste stream in the UK. In order to transport and recycle electrical items legally, you must be licensed by the Environment Agency and comply with WEEE regulations. All companies that offer secure WEEE recycling services must hold a WEEE Waste Carriers License and an environmental permit or exemption.

All WEEE waste collection should be recycled following the guidance on Best Available Treatment, Recovery and Recycling Techniques (BATRRT) and treatment of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). This ensures that everything is done with optimum efficiency and that everything possible has been done to prolong the life of the equipment.

Electrical Waste Hierarchy

  • Prevent any waste from being created in the first place
  • Reuse and refurbish if waste is produced
  • WEEE recycling would be the third priority
  • Recovery of valued goods such as parts of the equipment
  • WEEE disposal (taking it to a landfill) must be the last option to go for

If you are a WEEE recycling company, you must take all measures to the highest level in order to apply the electrical waste hierarchy to prevent waste from polluting the planet. If you are transferring the WEEE waste to another organisation, you must insist they use the hierarchy as well to ensure that the equipment is recycled to its maximum potential. A lot of equipment that gets recycled can be reused because most of the time it is just thrown away due to upgrades or minor faults which can be fixed.

WEEE Recycling Waste Transfer Notes

When collecting and recycling any WEEE waste, it must be accompanied by a Waste Transfer Note stating how many items of each variety have been collected and a rough weight. In case the items with glass displays or acid lead batteries are present in the electrical waste, a Hazardous Waste Consignment Note must be provided with the correct EWC Codes in association with the Hazardous Waste Consignment Note.

When a WEEE waste collection has been conducted, you must keep copies of all the WTNs provided by our WEEE waste collection driver for at least two years (three years for Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes). If asked by the local environment or the Environment Agency, you must be able to present these notes as proof that you disposed of your electrical waste legally and efficiently.

WEEE Recycling Specialists in the UK

Ecogreen IT Recycling is one of the top secure WEEE recycling companies in the UK. Currently, it holds a T11 exemption permit which allows us to recycle and refurbish any IT Equipment (hazardous or non-hazardous). We are regularly visited by the Environment Agency to ensure everything is up to the mark.

As a growing WEEE recycling UK company, we try to do our best for the environment. Here are some eco-friendly measures by EcoGreen:

  1. Recycling all ink and toner cartridges
  2. Linking WEEE waste collections for less fuel consumption
  3. Using environmentally approved cleaning products
  4. Switching off all lights and electrical equipment when nobody is present
  5. Recycling non-electrical equipment such as paper and cardboard

Why Choose Ecogreen IT Recycling?

Recycling WEEE is essential for the environment because otherwise all the toxic e-waste goes to the landfills. Ecogreen IT Recycling offers secure WEEE recycling services in the UK and here are all the reasons why you should choose us for WEEE recycling UK:

  • We follow the waste hierarchy to ensure that the equipment is recycled to its maximum potential.
  • Ecogreen is accredited by the Environmental Agency.
  • Ecogreen IT Recycling is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
  • We strictly follow the WEEE directive.
  • Our goal is to minimise the waste of materials and promote sustainability.

WEEE Recycling Procedure at EcoGreen

Here is how secure WEEE recycling takes place at our EcoGreen waste facility: 

  1. After WEEE waste collection, we ask ourselves if the equipment can be reused?
  2. We try our best to refurbish and get old, broken or unused equipment back to a working state so that it can be used by a new owner.
    We are proud to say that we refurbish up to 70% of recycled goods to a reusable state. These goods include, but are not limited to, computer bases, monitors, projectors and printers.
  3. Next in the computer recycling process, anything that is classified as unusable is transported in a secure vehicle to an Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATF).
  4. At the authority, it is broken down into the main components and materials such as plastic, metal, wiring and other components. These materials are reused in respective industries.
  5. The electrical waste, is also broken down into usable parts to undergo WEEE recycling and disposal.
  6. There is rarely anything left for landfills after the WEEE recycling and disposal procedure. Most of the materials are reused for the making of new equipment and machines.


Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is recycled and reduced at Ecogreen IT Recycling.

We offer WEEE recycling services along with data destruction to keep your sensitive data safe. Licensed by Environmental Agency, EcoGreen ensures the WEEE computer recycling services are as per the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment regulations.

Every year in the UK, the general public disposes of over 1.2 million tonnes of electrical waste. Our overall aim is to reduce this figure with WEEE recycling UK. The main goal of WEEE recycling directive is to encourage people to reuse and recycle IT equipment.

Book your WEEE equipment for disposal as per WEEE recycling regulations with Ecogreen. Our team will pick up the electronics from your location and securely dispose of them at our facility.